Legal regulations - translation and professional language teaching,
- "Summary of the current tax regulations",
- EU regulations on environmental protection and packaging.
- EU directives - translation and professional language teaching,
- "EU directives on environmental protection".
Deeds of foundation - translation
Articles of association - translation
Other judicial documents - translation,
- "Abstract of the Data of the Organization as it is in the Registration of the Court of Justice".
Decisions - translation,
- "Decision of the Guardianship Authority".
Notarial Deeds,
- Power of Attorney - translation
General Contract Terms and Conditions (GCTC) - translation
GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations) - translation of documents related to the regulations:
- privacy statements,
- data management policies for more companies.
Contracts and agreements (corporate and private) - translation:
- sales contracts,
- sales and purchase agreements,
- donation/ gift agreements, agency contracts - translation, e.g.: "Agency Contract for Auditors",
- lease and sublease contracts,
- trade and foreign trade contracts,
- employment contracts,
- supply contracts,
- contractor agreements - translation, e.g.: "Framework Contract for Subcontractor",
- employee non-disclosure agreements,
- escrow contracts.
Contractual amendments - translation and proofreading,
- "Amendment of Employment Contract".
Policies - translation,
- "Guaranty Policy".
Declarations and statements - translation,
- i.e.: "Statement on the Classification of the Company",
- management representation letters.
Certificates/ certifications - translation,
- "Employer's Certificate on the Registration of the Employee",
- "Certification of the district office",
- "Aberystwyth University, Registration Certificate",
- "Certificate of Income",
- certificates of school attendance,
- residence certificates - excerpts from data stored in the central register of personal data and addresses.
Legal and other official letters - translation, professional language teaching,
- letters of insurance demand,
- official letters related to car registration,
- official letter on the termination of a compulsory insurance on third party motor vehicle liability,
- "Formal letter to the mayor of the town of Amersfoort",
- official letter on authorization,
- letter providing information on insurance,
School certificates - official translation (with a clause) from Hungarian to foreign languages:
- "Gilbert Inglefield Academy School Report",
- Confirmation of Enrolment' by Fachhochschule Wiener Neustadt,
- secondary / grammar school leaving certificates for university studies,
- school certificates and semester reports of grammar school studies,
- school certificates of Waldorf grammar / primary (elementary) school studies,
- semester reports of Waldorf grammar / primary (elementary) school studies,
- elementary / primary school certificates,
- mid-term certificates from 'KRÉTA' administration system.
Personal documents - translation,
- e.g.: official certificates of good conduct - translated from Hungarian to foreign languages,
- abstracts on data stored in the Central Personal Data and Address Register,
- address cards, birth,
- marriage and death certificates from Hungarian to foreign languages,
- application for the deregistration of a vehicle,
- military record book,
- employment record book - translation.
- Memorial plaque (to honour the memory of Andor Goy, creator and manufacturer of the first Hungarian ballpoint pen)
Contented business clients:
- Beskal Kft. BitNinja Kft.
- Bord Architectural Studio Kft. (regular client)
- Dr. Gyarmathy and Partners Auditing and Accounting Office (regular client)
- EDA-Press (regular client)
- Expo & Konto Kft.
- Győrfi Daru Kft. (regular client)
- Holiday Beach Budapest Wellness and Conference Hotel (returning client)
- László Szabó (returning client)
- Kalash Trade Kft. (regular client)
- KoBaGames Kft.
- MORTOFF Informatics Consulting and Service Ltd.
- ÖKO-Pannon Nonprofit Kft. (regular client)
- ŐRZŐK Foundation of the Tűzoltó Utca Children’s Clinic for Children with Cancer and Leukemia
- Kft. (regular client)
- Zoboki & Demeter Architectural Office
Private persons who gave their written consent to being on our reference list:
- B. Andrea
- B. Simon (visszatérő ügyfél)
- Balázs Blanka Zsuzsanna (visszatérő ügyfél)
- Baloghné Goy Krisztina
- Bazsó Péter
- Berta Gergő
- Berta György (visszatérő ügyfél)
- Boda Emese (visszatérő ügyfél)
- Diószegi Éva
- Faragó Edit (rendszeres ügyfél)
- G.-né V. Katalin
- Galambosné Schuszter Anna, Galambos Krisztián részére
- Irsch Zoltán
- Jakab József
- Jelinek Ráhel Panna
- Koczogh Edit
- Kocsisné Gácsfalvi Emőke
- Lakatos Julianna
- Lengyel Lóránt
- Lőrincz Noémi (rendszeres ügyfél)
- Melis Adrián
- N. Zsolt
- Sing Viktor
- Serczik Nelli
- T. Gábor
- Valu Katalin
- And several more companies and private persons who we provided with strictly confidential translations.