Reports, statements - translation, proofreading, teaching the professional language of finance and accounting:
- balance sheets,
- "Supplementary Notes to the Annual Report" - translation,
- "PK-142 Completed Form: Annual Report and Public Benefit Annex of Certain Other Organizations Using Double-Entry Bookkeeping" - translation,
- Internal audit report - translation,
- "Accounting Policy" - translation,
- audit reports - translation,
- proofreading, language teaching.
Statements - translation, proofreading, language teaching of the accounting profession:
- balance sheets,
- profit and loss accounts / income statements,
- equity statements,
- cash flow statements,
- Public Benefit Annex - translation.
Minutes, memoranda - translation, language teaching:
- minutes of annual general meetings - translation, language teaching,
- Internal audit memorandum - translation,
Regulations - translation:
- Auditing - translation, proofreading:
- audit instructions,
- audit plans,
- audit memoranda,
- description of the audit strategy.
Legal regulations related to finance and accounting - translation, language teaching:
- tax regulations, transfer pricing documentation,
- audit regulations in the EU,
Documents issued by banks - translation:
- bank statements,
- report from banks,
- Mission Order for Use Abroad, Expense Account - translation,
Returns - translation:
- 18SZJA (PIT) Draft Tax Return - translation.
Accounting documents - translation:
- utility bills,
- invoices.
Other texts related to finance, accounting and banking:
- website translation,
- letters - translation, proofreading, language teaching: writing business letters
Contented corporate and private clients:
- Foundation of SOS Children's Village of Hungary
- ŐRZŐK Foundation of the Tűzoltó Utca Children’s Clinic for Children with Cancer and Leukemia
- Innotrade Rt. (regular client)
- Dr. Gyarmathy and Partners Auditing and Accounting Office (regular client)
- Branch Office in Hungary
- GP Treuhand Kft.
- Beskal-Kalash Trade Kft. (regular client)
- NAV Casa Invest Ltd., Attila Banovics
- Győrfi Daru Kft., Gergely, Győrfi (regular client)
- Magic Numbers Kft. (in progress, returning client)
- Darázsi, Kriszta
- Irsch, Zoltan (returning client)
- Csontos, Zoltan (regular client)